Gabriel Kennedy
14 min readJan 21, 2023

Robert Anton Wilson and the Future of Physics

Quantum Entanglement is as Spooky as a Pooka

Robert Anton Wilson was an “early defense warning system,” for his consistent ability to presage future breakthroughs in his work. As we saw in my previous post, he was ahead of the curve when it came to promoting the importance of Quantum Entanglement. To reiterate what Saul-Paul Sirag, physicist, member of the Physics/Consciousness Research Group, and friend of Wilson’s, RAW was the first(!) popular writer to accurately described the experiments that would eventually win the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. Sirag was clear to communicate to me that although the book (Space-Time and Beyond) mentioned some of the experiments, it was not an accurate description of them.

When science writer John Gribbin read Wilson’s phenomenal novel, Schrodingers Cat Trilogy, he was convinced that RAW was a physicist. One would think, then, that RAW got mad props amongst the scientific community of hos day. However, it was Jeffrey Mishlove, the paranormal researcher and host of the great talk show The New Thinking Allowed, said that most scientists were sadly unaware of Wilson’s fabulous elucidations. Why? Because Wilson did not hold the academic distinction of “being” a scientist. We see now, that those people were idiots, lol. Personally, Wilson strikes me as one of the greatest science expositors I’ve ever read. RAW implemented the quest that CP Snow established when Snow pointed out the divide within the halls of the academy between science people and humanities peeps. As Snow pointed out, he could barely find any professors of the humanities who could explain the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He considered this a form of illiteracy. Wilson agreed. When RAW urges his readers to get hip to science it is not hard to determine that RAW had so much time working on some dense scientific material and he was here to share some wisdom on the matter.

But if you are ready this far into this essay you are aware of Wilson’s contribution and/or would like to learn more about RAW’s insights into physics. One thing that Wilson was great at was unpacking and contextualizing. He did this with the history of Quantum Physics and in the spirit of RAW, I’d like to do the same with “the Chart.” (The Bell’s Theorem chart Sirag gave RAW) Yesterday I pointed out the work of Clauser and Aspect, but I’d like to go over most of the rest of the chart today. (Just for fun!)

Here we go…

The flow chart runs from left to right, chronologically, beginning with the period from 1900–1929, a period that cab ne referred to as the First Quantum Revolution. 1900 marks the date when Max Planck discovered that light waves appear to travel in bursts, packets, or quanta. Five years later, Einstein published an epic paper about the Photoelectric Effect which furthered the notion of light as quanta. Or, more simply put, these quanta particles of light became known as photons. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity established the understanding of the Speed of Light, and how nothing in a local universe can travel faster than 186,000 miles per second. After this, Niels Bohr constructed his view of the atom. Bohr’s model of the atom, where the electron orbits the nucleus, makes it appear more continuous and predictable than what physicists later discovered. They found electrons moving in all types of strange ways around the nucleus.

Debates developed between Bohr and Einstein about the “completeness” of Quantum theory. More thought experiments and theories followed.

In 1924, Louis de Broglie introduced the concept that matter behaved like a wave, birthing the name de Broglie Wavelength. This became a central tenet to Quantum Theory for years to come. One year later, Werner Heisenberg published Uber Quantentheoretische um deutang Kinematischer und Mechanischer Beziehungen, which laid the groundwork for Matrix Mechanics, the first logically consistent formulation for Quantum Mechanics. This Matrix allowed physicists to gain some understanding of those crazy “Quantum leaps” that electrons seem to take in the sub-atomic realm. Heisenberg’s article accounted for “quantum jumps” — the discontinuous hoping of an electron from one energy level to the next around a nucleus — supplanted Bohr’s model. In other words Heisenberg presented a more accurate map for observed behavior. That being said, Bohr “inaccurate” map actually did help with some insights along the way. Heisenberg’s Matrix Mechanics was the first attempt to get Quantum with it. It was the first conceptually autonomous and logically consistent formulation of quantum mechanics.

In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger published his famous Schrodingers Equation, while utilizing elements of Hamiltonian math — an area of math that Wilson deeply interested in since high school. The Schrodinger Equation forwarded the concept of the “collapse of the wave function,” which very simply put, the wave function is the equation for the changing or “evolving” photon.” [i] It is not a thing, but rather an action. In the famous double-slit experiment, a photon is shot from a laser aimed at a metal plate, but there is a barrier with two small slits between the laser and the plate. This is the experiment where physicists started seeing a photon take the form of both a particle and a wave depending on which variation of the experiment was conducted. This was crazy!!! Quantum science had discovered an experiment where the core identity of moving light was not an either/or, but an and/or phenomena. Light waves, or more accurately, wave functions were both particles and waves.

These physicists found that subatomic matter was not bound by the same laws of Classical Newtonian physics. This fundamental formulas of physics allows us to predict where an object will be in space and time at any point in the future. This amazing understanding allows Airplanes and rockets to fly through the sky, among other modern feats of engineering. But you cannot predict where an electron will be in the future, You can only guesstimate, utilizing matrix math and statistics.

From 1925–1927, Niels Bohr and Heisenberg devised the Copenhagen Interpretation, which states that the equations of quantum mechanics do not describe what is actually happening in the subatomic world. All these fancy equations were the mathematical systems we needed to create to think of that world. They are maps that provide some functional information but are not direct representations of the sub-atomic world, and for RAW the Copenhagen Interpretation acted a constant reminder that “the map is not the territory.”

In 1927, Heisenberg did it again when he constructed an early version of his Uncertainty Principle. This being the famous thought experiment where one where physicists seek to study an electron’s position and momentum simultaneously. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty says that if you measure the Momentum of the electron its Position becomes Uncertain. Also, if you measure the Position of the Electron, then its Momentum becomes Uncertain.

Five years later, John von Neuman published what would become THE textbook for quantum physics when he published the Mathematical Foundation of Quantum Mechanics. One of the things von Neuman proposes in his book was an argument against the existence of hidden variables, on the grounds that the theory of thermodynamics makes it nearly impossible for hidden variables to exist. Schrodinger’s book became the mathematical backbone for QM.

In 1935, Einstein and his three-man crew attacked the reality of Quantum Mechanics. To Einstein it was an incomplete theory. After the thought experiment, says Nick Herbert, physicist, and friend of RAW, “EPR did not find an experimental situation where quantum theory s factually wrong.” Herbert writes, “What EPR discovered was a simple logical argument that indirectly demonstrates the existence of photon attributes which quantum theory fails to take into account. EPR then asks, ‘If quantum theory is a complete theory of reality, why does it omit these attributes?’ What is at stake is a complete theory of Reality!”

EPR proposed the thought experiment that hinged on the principle of Locality, which involved an entangled pair of “observables” with non-commuting operators (position & momentum).[iii] Einstein, of course, viewed the principle of locality, which emerged from Newton’s 1stlaw of motion, in the law of Inertia, which proves that an object is only directly influenced by its immediate surroundings. A movement of a piece of matter through space is caused by the movement of another piece of matter bumping into it. This movement picks ups speed and bumps into other bits of matter. The three states matter that he presently know of solid, liquid, and gas reveal the relationship between those atoms in different states. In other words, the principle of locality says that for an action at one point to have an influence at another point something in the space between those points, such as a field, must mediate the action. To exert an influence, something, such as a wave or particle, must travel through the space between the two points, carrying influence.

EPR considered two entangled particles (A&B) and it said that measuring a quantity of Particle A will cause Particle B to be undetermined. EPR saw two outcomes, Either there’s some interaction between the particles or the information of the outcome of all possible measurements was already present in both particles. The first explanation, this instantaneousness, violates Special Relativity, while the second proposed that information was encoded within some ‘hidden parameters’ or hidden variables which was impossible because formalism — define the term — doesn’t allow for Local Hidden Variables. The only way out of this paradox would be a theory for Non-Local faster than light transmission of information and/or a hidden variable.

EPR claimed to demonstrate that the Wave Function does not provide a complete description of physical reality, making the Copenhagen Interpretation unsatisfactory. “EPR indicated that if quantum mechanics is true, some particles are in instantaneous contact even if at opposite ends of the universe,” writes Wilson. EPR was meant as a reduction ad absurdum of quantum theory because the instantaneous communication across the galaxy has no physical explanation in a local universe. The purpose of said paper was to prove that quantum mechanics cannot be valid, since it leads to such an outlandish conclusion. Einstein argued that if the trajectory of correlated quantum objects, in principle, predictable, but quantum mechanics is unable to predict it, then there must be something wrong with quantum mechanics.

As I’ve stated, Einstein’s conclusion was that Quantum Mechanics was an incomplete theory. He supported the idea of a Hidden Variable, but the Local sort. Locality is the notion that all interactions are mediated by signals through space-time. EPR assumed that the position (or momentum) measurement on the first electron can be done without disturbing the second, because the two electrons are separated in space and are not interacting via local signals at the time of the measurements.

And then came the Clauser 1972 experiment, then the Holt 1973, and Clauser again in 1974, (and a series of experiments all concerned w “closing the loophole” have occurred since)

Then Alain Aspect closed the loopholes in 1982 with the experiments discussed in my previous post. Sirag tells me that the Holt experiment (1973) at Harvard, contradicted the predictions of QM. Although available as a preprint, this result was never published. John Clauser redid Holt’s version of the experiment and got results consistent with QM.

So, if we look at “the Chart,” we see now that we’ve discussed few topics of it. (The previous post covered Bell’s Theorem and the Clauser and Aspect experiments. Wilson placed those two experiments under the rubric, “Quantum Mechanics” fails, meaning Clauser and Aspect were looking for ways to disprove Bell’s Inequality, but were unable to. Bell’s Theorem, when tested, shows no existence of a “hidden variable” influencing the matter.

Now that Quantum Mechanics has not failed, Wilson considered that perhaps “Objectivity” has failed and/or “Locality fails.” When Wilson says Locality, he is refereeing to the laws of natural science, and Newton’s first law of motion, which again says that an object can only be influenced by other objects in its immediate environment. A “Local” universe makes it impossible, unless there is a hidden variable we have yet to discover, that influences two atoms at vast distances away from each other. This is the heart of the Quantum Entanglement madness.

So, in the chart Wilson moves on to “Objectivity fails.” This entails the work of Wheeler and Heisenberg, whose two separate theories supported the idea of an “observer-created universe.” In Heisenberg’s version, Quantum events exist In Potentia before human measurement and In Reality, only after such measurement occurred. Time flows forward and backward In Potentia, and None of the Laws of Physics apply. In Wheeler’s version, “Reality” is the result of human-quantum interaction, but EPR may affect the result even before measurement is made which leads to possibility of psychedelics. Within this context, Wilson pondered all the synchronicities involving the number ‘23’ that he encountered during his stay in Chapel Perilous. Utilizing these theories Wilson found that a possible result of Quantum Interactions between his brain and the events could have increased his awareness of the number ’23.’ RAW described an ecosphere that would allow this as Indra’s Net, which Juno Watts told him about and/or Law of Contagion. The Law of Contagion being the magical view that suggests that once two people or objects have been in contact, a magical link persists between them unless or until a formal cleansing, consecration, exorcism, or other act of banishing breaks the non-material bond. This was a serious vibe in the mid-70s, as lots of people were considering the plausibility of such wild ideas, including the US Army, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the CIA!

If “Locality fails” Wilson saw this an opening for the possibility of Parallel Universes, or as he called it, “the universe next door.” First devised by Wheeler, Everett, and Graham this many universes theory is one that is picking up steam again within physicist circles. To think that there is actually an endless number of universes, each with versions of you and the non-existence of you, around right now(!) is perhaps too mind-blowing to soberly think about. In my experience lots of weed and a lil bit of Acid helps one truly consider such an ontological possibility. Wilson was intrigued by “the many universes” theory, and this was the basis for his book Schrodingers Cat.

Next the chart moves along to the area that the Physics/Consciousness Research Group explored most, Superluminal Information Transfer, or information being transfer without energy being used. This completely contradicts the speed of light and sounds absolutely crazy. “If we interpret ERP and Bell’s Theorem to mean that Quantum Events are in Instantaneous communication, then we can conduct a Non-Local universe in the medium of the Quantum Communication Net. Wilson uses this model (or sub-model rather) to explain his experiences with “seeing” Graham in Arizona while he was in California. Instantaneous “communication” contradicts Special Relativity because Energy and ‘signals’ cannot be instantaneously linked because Special Relativity allows things to only move as fast as the Speed of Light in a “local universe” Sarfatti says information is different than Energy. Others says consciousness is different than energy. “Information without transportation is information without energy, without signals in the ordinary sense.” “The rule of Special Relativity…is not challenged but merely reduced to a definition of locality; it applies only to signals and energy systems.” “Superluminal Information might underlie interstellar ESP” claims Wilson. He also says Superluminal Information would also account for his twenty-threes synchronicities. “Synchronicity describes What Happens: coincidences form into patterns…that are Acausal but Meaningful.” “Superluminal information transfer on Quantum level might explain How This Happens” “Every sub-atomic system in the universe adjusts instantaneously into conformity with the whole, by synergetic feedback faster-than-light.” “The Bootstrap Theory “If faster-than-light Information exists, says Wilson, Synchronicity is as important as Linear Causality.

Wilson, in this book, also considers the idea that some advanced races are using Superluminal Information like we use electricity. Some of it must intersect with Earth. This is aligned with John Lilly’s “Network” and the fiction of Philip K. Dick. As of 1977, when Wilson was completing Cosmic Trigger vol 1, he saw this as less of a possibility, but there was a moment during Chapel Perilous that he was considering this option. A thought that never completely leaves his mind, after all, we live in very strange times. This is where we enter the realm of the Occult, and Wilson goes back full circle again, as many within that tradition have claimed knowledge of secret masters who could or could not be from off the planet.

His experiences can also be explained through the notion that “some human beings of highly evolved psychic powers (‘the Illuminati’) are playing head-games with other human beings, sometimes passing themselves off as Higher Intelligences”… from outer space or ultra-dimensional beings. Wilson considers that humans have been “contacted, experimented upon or otherwise manipulated by Higher Intelligences from Outer Space, probably from Sirius (or the Illuminati are creating a simulation of such extraterrestrials.)”

RAW also considered the notion that humans have “always shared this planet with another intelligent species, which can either remain invisible or manifest to us in any form it chooses.” Wilson uses John Keel’s term, “ultra-dimensional” for them. They are ultra-dimensional because they come from other dimensions or realities which coexist along with our own. So, they are not extraterrestrial. Wilson was influenced by Vallee’s interpretations during this time and agreed with Vallee that these beings were called other things in earlier ages. Examples are fairies, angels, demons, and other apparitions.

Another possibility to Wilson was that all the weird events he’d endured during his time in Chapel Perilous was just a manifestation of his activating higher neural networks through his work with magick, psychedelics, and Jungian/Learyian psychology — best described by people like Sri Aurobindo and Gopi Krishna. Wilson writes that the “activation of these new circuits creates a great deal of temporary weirdness until we learn to use them properly.”

Lastly, Wilson proposes that a combination of all the previous explanations could apply to what he encountered in Chapel Perilous.

He further summarizes the above into two “meta-models:” 1. “It is done by our own nervous systems. As we advance toward Higher Intelligence, our brains can increasingly affect the universe, by quantum inoperability, creating first coincidences, then Jungian synchronicities, then seemingly external Superhuman Beings, who are really masks of the greater selves we are evolving into. (2) It is not all done by our nervous systems. As we advance toward Higher Intelligence, our brains can increasingly contact other Higher Intelligences.” And according to Bell’s Theorem, this contact includes “advanced adepts who are both human and inhuman, terrestrial and extraterrestrial throughout what we call past, present, and future.”

Wilson’s ability to contextualize his far out psychedelic, then Magickal, and life synchronicities and experiences through a lens that was informed by Jungian psychology, James Joyce, Aleister Crowley, the scientific method, and current psychological models make this book even more interesting. That he processed these experiences through lens; provided through art, the quest for embodied spirituality, and modern science creates the perfect grimoire of our current age. Cosmic Trigger vol 1, published nearly 50 years ago, still stands as an inexhaustible guide for the perplexed. Wilson is like a modern Maimonides with a bong and a pen in hand!

One of the most interesting aspects to Cosmic Trigger was that Wilson’s resolute declaration that “No single theory will account for all of the Damned things.” His value as a teacher is his ability to break down and explain the fields of study that he has researched. You get an inside look at how he applied his own critical thinking method when reading his attempts to explain a very weird period of his life. have found no other writer, counterculture or otherwise, whose own rambling methods of explanation do such an amazing job at enlightening and, even more importantly, motivating readers to go out there and do the knowledge themselves. As RAW always said, and if he had a tombstone this phrase should be one it, “Think for yourself schmuck!” In order to do so, one must Know how to think! Wilson’s work helps readers learn how to think, better. His message was the implementation of what CP Snow told people to do many years ago. We need to bridge “the two cultures” of science and humanities. For when an individual can describe the world and themselves in it utilizing maps and metaphors form science and humanities, that is a person ready for the future!!!

[i] collapse of the wave function — Quantum Physics Lady

[ii] Quantum Reality

Gabriel Kennedy
Gabriel Kennedy

Written by Gabriel Kennedy

Gabriel Kennedy is the author of the upcoming book "Chapel Perilous: The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson" in Fall 2024.

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